Wednesday, September 16, 2015

How to beat boredom on long runs

No matter which RTR distance you are training for, as we get closer to race day you are no doubt spending more time dedicated to training.  Sometimes the thought of logging a lot of miles or time on the road can be intimidating simply because you are worried about getting bored. Not to fear! Here are a few tips to help you ease your boredom. 

1. Run to a destination. 
For example, run to complete an errand—like going to the grocery store or post office. You can meet up with friends and family so you have a ride home or plan to run back home. I like to meet the husband somewhere for a well earned recovery lunch! 

2. Mix it up: Easy/medium/hard run. 
For a speed workout, run easy for three minutes, at a medium difficulty for two minutes, and hard for one minute. Repeat this sequence for the duration of your run. The variation in speeds will keep your mind focused. 

3. Landmark runs. 
After a warmup, run hard for a short interval to a landmark like a mailbox, a driveway, or a streetlight along the route; then jog easy for recovery to the next landmark. Repeat. These are also known as fartlek runs. And no, I did not make that up. 

4. Explore a new route. 
Take a break from your usual running routes and seek out something new. 

5. Try a trail run. 
Most of you know that Kodiak is chalk full of great trail runs. The concentration needed for trail running engages your mind as you figure out how to traverse uneven terrain, rocks, roots, hills, water, and other obstacles. It's a great strength builder, too.  

6. Plan a hill repeat run. 
Find a hill in your area that is about a quarter mile in length with a nice incline. Run one mile for a warmup then tackle the hill. Run up the hill and jog easy down, then turn around and run up the hill again. Repeat several times. Run a one-mile cooldown afterward. Not only will this combat boredom and mix up your training week, but will prepare you for the hilly RTR courses. 

7. Hit the track for speed. 
Run a one-mile warmup. Time yourself and run one lap at a hard pace; then, jog or walk one lap for recovery. Repeat four to six times. Set a consistent pace for the hard laps and stay within a five-second variance for each lap. Gradually increase the number of laps you run over the weeks.

8. My personal favorite: Make running dates with friends. 
Nothing like good conversation to help pass the miles. 

9.What about running on the treadmill? 
Try using a pre-programmed hill run or interval run. The treadmill will automatically speed up or down or add an incline. Varying the pace and incline will engage your mind and keep you from zoning out. Of course Netflix can always help with this one too. 

10. Register for a race. 
 Hopefully you've already done this one! If not, make haste and get over to KMXT's Run the Rock and do it already! 

Friday, September 11, 2015

Balance and symmetry

Your running posture requires balance and symmetry. If you are not running symmetrically, you create natural angles that put unnecessary stress and pressure on your joints, which can lead to injury. Simple attention to your running form and posture keeps your body aligned and will help you develop into a more efficient runner. The following five-step circuit will help you increase power and strength endurance to keep your body strong for higher intensity training sessions or races. Do 5 reps of each step before or after any workout!

1. A skips

2. Split squat

3. Pushups - Do you really need a picture? Just drop a give me 20! (Or 5, in this case).

4. Rocket jump - Not the same as a snot rocket, although you may combine the two if you wish.
(do you think this guy looks like Daniel Craig?)

5. Pedestal knee to opposite elbow

Questions? Thoughts? Let's hear 'em!
Run for your lives,
Coach Bree

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Running Drills

Run drills can be implemented into your training at any time, during any type of a workout. There's never a bad time to work on your form or cadence. Even though we usually equate run drills with being at the track before a speed workout, run drills can be used during a casual easy run or even on a long run to give you a little focus and quality. There are many different drills you can implement into your training and mixing them into your runs on a weekly basis can have a positive effect on your run form.

Interested in incorporating drills? Make a request for a drill that will address a specific issue you may have.

Run for your lives,
Coach Bree

Friday, August 28, 2015

It's that time again!

Hello Run the Rockers!

A little late to start, but your favorite RTR blogger is back at it for 2015.  This blog started in 2012 and over the years I've tried to bring you a wide variety of advice and training plans to get you prepared for the Kodiak's premier running event. I am going to try something a little different this year, though. Instead of me spewing forth random bits of running geekery based on the assumption that everyone simply must be riveted, I would like to make this year's blog more of a Q&A.  But how can this happen?! Well, as luck would have it, Run The Rock has a brand new Facebook page. So scoot on over there, like it, bookmark it and then start posting your questions! If folks don't post questions, I'll have no choice but to write about poop again.

Run for your lives,
Coach Bree