Sunday, August 18, 2013

Training Weeks 5 - 8

Four weeks checked off already and the countdown continues!
Last week you should have completed a 2 mile time trial to determine your training pace for speed work and tempo runs that play an important part in the rest of the plan. 
I'd love to consult each of you on the results of your time trial and your training paces, but clearly That's not possible. In lieu of the one-on-one, there are a number of good calculators online that will give you your training paces. 
This one from McMillian running is a great one; it's clean and simple. But there are also calculators from Runner's World and Cool Running

5K and 10K refer to your paces at each of those distances and race pace is your goal pace for the half marathon. Note that what the calculators give you are just a guideline. If you find that your 10K pace is either far too hard or too easy, make adjustments in 15 second increments. For example, if your time trial predicts a 10K pace of 7:45, but you're finding it hard to keep up, simply adjust it to 8:00 and see how that goes. 
With the addition of speed and tempo workouts and your long runs growing longer, you need to really take rest and recovery seriously. 
See this post on how to recover from last year's blog. 
And for those beginners out there, here are weeks 5 - 8 of the beginner's plan.
Run for your lives,

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