Thursday, August 15, 2013

Q&A: Why do I need to do strength training for my legs when I'm running so much?

Someone asked me the other day about how to incorporate upper body strength training into his running regimen. When I asked him why he only wanted upper body he said he didn't need to do his legs because he was already working them by running.  Cue cartoon eye bugging and dramatic gasp. This is a common misconception and entirely not the case. 
As runners, it's important to all major muscle groups, but it is particularly important to focus on the core (chest, shoulders, abdominals and back) and upper and lower leg muscles. 
Regular strength training can correct natural imbalances, such as differences in your left and right sides, unequal flexion and general overall strength. Strength training can also improve your overall form, making you run more efficiently for the long haul.  And, it should go without saying that correcting these issues can significant reduce your chance of injury. 
Plus, don't you want to avoid that dreaded skinny runner look?

In an upcoming post, I will give details on some great exercises and routines for runners. 

Run for your lives,

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